Corporate Risk

Death benefit shall be a pre-determined multiple of each employee's annual salary or a fixed sum according to a predetermined formula. Accidental injury benefit can be added as a rider to provide for payment of both permanent and temporary disablement as well as medical expenses claim arising out of an accident.
Premiums shall be determined for the group and paid wholly by the employer or with contributions from the employees.
Underwriting requirements
Medical examinations are normally not required. But individuals whose benefits exceed an automatic cover limit to be determined for the group will be required to submit evidence of good health. The automatic cover limit will depend on the number of lives to be covered and the salary range.
The objective of this plan is to insure the obligations of the member in the unlikely event of death. Most conditions of members as well as tradition require and impose financial obligations on the member in the event of death. This includes provision of coffin, donation to the family, transport arrangement and refreshment. This obligation can be insured under the Group Funeral Plan.
The plan provides for the payment of funeral and related expenses on behalf of the member in the event of death. The benefits can be extended to cover parents, spouses and children. Benefits levels shall be objectively determined to reflect the expected financial obligations of the member.
There are two types of cover namely: the individual cover and family cover.
- The individual cover includes the member and a maximum of six children
- The family cover extends to the spouse and maximum of six children below the age of 21 years.
The minimum and maximum age of entry is 18 and 70 years respectively
There is a waiting period of six months within which only accidental death is covered.